Survivors, Families & Friends
The health and well-being of our patients, family members, friends and all caregivers is critical to a successful recovery. Our resource center for survivors and family members provides links to sites that provide varying levels of support for patients and family members, as well as basic information and advice on building support networks. We understand how difficult it is to maintain a positive outlook for patients and their families during the recovery process. We hope these materials will help address the issues so many of you face.
Please browse the resource links below and connect with us at any time to learn more about our post-acute care facilities.

Affordable Health Insurance
Affordable Health Insurance provides accurate, easy-to-understand resources that help patients and their families make informed choices about health care coverage.

Brainstorming 4 Us
Brainstorming4us provides a network of support to survivors and families of Traumatic Brain Injury in Southern California.

Caring.com is dedicated to creating free informational resources that help make informed decisions about senior living. This article A Guide to Medicare Benefits tackles comprehensive information on financial support and available care options.

CaringBridge provides free websites that connect children and young adults experiencing a significant health challenge to families and friends. Authors can add health updates and photos to share their story while visitors are able to leave messages of love, hope and compassion.

Ronald McDonald House Charities
The mission of the Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) is to create, find and support programs that directly improve the health and well-being of children.

United Spinal Association/Disability Products and Services Guide
The United Spinal Association is dedicated to improving the quality of life for Americans living with the results of spinal cord injury and disease and their families. This page provides detailed information related to disability products and services.