Make Cranberry Juice (Paperback)
Shari Bookstaff (Author) Available at Amazon Shari Bookstaff was 42 years old when she was diagnosed with a benign, operable brain tumor. Doctors predicted a short hospital stay followed by a speedy recovery.
Complications arose and she was left partially paralyzed. This is her gripping story of her journey to recovery.
The Complete Guide for Families
Living with Traumatic Brain Injury
John Cassidy (Author) Available at Amazon If your loved one has experienced a traumatic brain injury (TBI), you know that its effects can be devastating and often difficult to understand.
It may feel as if your world has shifted on its axis, and you’ll never get your bearings. Navigating your way through the morass of doctors, medical terms, and the healthcare system can be daunting, especially when you want only what’s best for the person you love. Dr. John Cassidy has devoted the past twenty-five years to helping families cope with traumatic brain injury; Mindstorms is his compassionate, comprehensive manual to demystifying this often frightening and life-changing condition.

An Excellent Life:
One Family’s Experience
with Traumatic Brain Injury
Jody Cramer (Author) Available at Amazon The compelling story of one family’s experience with traumatic brain injury, a first hand account of how a mother’s activism and involvement changed the life of her injured son. Emotionally moving and powerfully educational, this guide contains practical advice and personal experiences which will be of inspiration and help to any family coping with a severely injured love one.
— Deborah Doherty, MD, Medical Director, Kentfield Rehabilitation Hospital, Kentfield, California. Author Jody Cramer has a unique insight into how families are affected by serious trauma. She lived it. An Excellent Life is her first book and was written out of a desire to help other families. Jody lives in California and devotes most of her time to caring for her severely disabled son and managing the non-profit she co-founded.
For more information, go to www.jodycramer.com
Life After Near-Death:
An Autobiography Detailing The Trials and Transformation Following Severe Brain Injury
[Paperback] Matt Stepien (Author) Available at Amazon Matt Stepien was living the good life in Southern California. In late 2004, just prior to his 48th birthday, his life was turned upside down. He was taken unconscious to the hospital in critical condition.
Matt had been stricken with a virus from a bug bite that resulted in a brain hemorrhage, a 3 week coma, 6 months in the hospital, 3 major surgeries, 18 months of physical therapy, and a permanent physical handicap. Matt shares his compelling story of the 2.5 years following his major brain injury. It’s a physical, mental, and spiritual roller coaster ride and points out how much we take for granted in life, how fragile our lives really are, how quickly things can change, and the importance of family and friends in our lives.